Which Of The 5 Love Languages Do You And Your Partner Communicate To Each Other?
Which Of The 5 Love Languages Do You And Your Partner Communicate To Each Other?
Couples quiz: What is your language of l love?
Couples quiz: What is your language of l love?
![Carmen Santiago](http://cdn.ex.co/cdn/UserImages/d6b1e99f-22d7-499d-bb88-a76213e1e459.jpg)
Which is the sweetest sentiment your partner could pass your way?
Which of the following are you most likely to do for your partner?
On a scale of 1-4, how important is the integration of family in your relationship?
What's the usual amount of time you and your partner remain apart for?
What would you do if your partner refused to celebrate Valentine's Day?
Which do you love the most about your partner?
When you spend quality time together what are you usually doing?
Which complaint are we least likely to hear from an old flame?
On a scale of 1-4 how much do you enjoy public displays of affection?
Words of Affirmation
Words of Affirmation
Your Language of Love is Words of Affirmation! In your relationship you like to use sweet words, compliments and encouragements to express your affection. You make your partner feel loved with empathy and the ability to place yourself in their shoes. You never fail to show or tell the one you love how much you appreciate them and the kind things they say and do for you in return, and this keeps your bond healthy and strong!
Quality Time
Quality Time
Your Language of Love is Quality Time! The way in which you express your love to your significant other is with togetherness, in terms of focusing your attention on one another. You like to engage in quality discussion that details your experiences, thoughts and feelings, which ultimately bring you closer in mind and spirit. And when the conversation stops, you find solace in the engagement of a mutual interest where you can keep the connection streaming long term.
Acts of Service
Acts of Service
Your language of love is Acts of Service! Doing something special for your partner is always welcomed in a relationship, but you like to perform acts and gestures that you know your loved one will specifically appreciate. It could be something as completely random as holding their umbrella over them in the rain, or planning a cooked meal after their long day of work. These acts of service are always given freely, based on how well you know your partner and what they need emotionally!
Receiving Gifts
Receiving Gifts
Your Language of Love is Receiving Gifts! The way you choose to express your love and admiration for your partner is primarily through gift giving. You place a large emphasis on the thoughtfulness and effort that motivates the gift, and contrary to what others might believe, materialism is by no means involved. The symbolism that a gift provides lies within the care you and your partner show for one another, and just how well you know the other inside and out. Regardless, you still consider presence and quality time to be the greatest gift of all!
Physical Touch
Physical Touch
Your Language of Love is Physical Touch! You communicate with your partner through an embrace or body pressure This could be with hugging, kissing, holding hands, and ultimately sex. Feeling the energy of your partner makes you feel more secure in your relationship and vice versa. Neglect can have a profound, negative effect on your communication, but since you don't need prolonged physical contact to exchange affection this is rarely an issue. Something as small as a goodbye kiss before walking out the front door does wonders for your mood, and when you give and receive passionate exchanges of affection you feel as if you're on cloud 9!