Which pet is best for you?
Which pet is best for you?
Are you looking for a pet? Are you not looking for a pet but would like to see which is best for you? Then this is the quiz for you!
Are you looking for a pet? Are you not looking for a pet but would like to see which is best for you? Then this is the quiz for you!

How old are you?
Do you prefer a big or small pet?
Would your guardian say that you are responsible?
How long do you want it to live?
Fluffy or Nah?
Did you enjoy this quiz?
Good luck on your journey of pets!
You are the type of person that would love a pet to cuddle with when you get home from school or work! They are very loyal, just like you! They do require lots of love and lots of hugs!
You are the type of person that would love waking up to a kitty beside you! Cats are lovable and kind of stubborn! They require a litter box and lots of love!
You are the type of person that would love to come home to an excited little/big bird! They are very vocal and love to talk, just like you! A bird would be a great match for you!
Guinea pig
Guinea pig
You are a very loving and caring person, just like a guinea pig! Guinea pigs are great pets for everyone! They do require lots of love and lots of playtimes! A guinea pig is a great choice for your home!
Fish are Great pets for Kids and adults! A study shows that Fish are actually the number 1 pet in the USA! They don't require a ton of maintenance but they do require a loving home! A fish is the way to go!!
Your the kind of person who likes smaller, but full of energy pets! Hamsters and Mice would be a perfect fit for you!
Your the type of person who loves Lovable, hyper animals! They are fairly low maintenance but do require lots of love and attention!
You are the type of person who is kind of shy and not very talkative, just like a snake or Lizard! Either pet would be great for you!