What Elf Are You?
What Elf Are You?
Like Roleplay? Ever had problem of wondering what elf you are? Or are you just bored.. Take this quiz!!!
Only made for fun ;)
Like Roleplay? Ever had problem of wondering what elf you are? Or are you just bored.. Take this quiz!!!
Only made for fun ;)
Are you a/an singer, dancer or actor?
Do you prefer to be around people or alone?
Would you live in the city or in the wild?
Are you in a relationship?
How do you show your feelings?
Do you like working?
Do you like partying?
Do you like leading?
What's your favorite color-tone?
What do you use in fight?
Warrior Elf
Warrior Elf
Your passion goes to the Warriors. You can handle situations like wars, and you don't have many feelings about hurting those other elves. You prefer to be working all the time, especially in the wild. You love your loved ones, and will protect them!
Dark Elf
Dark Elf
You prefer to be alone, and that's okay! You like night, and you're strong. Keep that! And this role play-worlds needs villains! But just because you're a Dark Elf, doesn't mean you're Evil ;)
City Elf
City Elf
You prefer to dance around in the big city, and you don't care about humans. They actually are just like you! Or at least they don't throw you out, like they did one time to me xD
Nature Elf
Nature Elf
You like the nature, just like every Elf! You wanna protect the nature more then everything else, and you prefer to live by the trees. You use the leaves to "heal" people. If you can't remember what to say, put leaves on it!
Royal Elf
Royal Elf
You are on the throne! You live at the top of everything, and you make decisions! Remember to do some of the things the other elves want to, 'cause if they don't like you, they can throw you off the throne right away! You're loyal and royal ;)
Animal Elf
Animal Elf
You will be the animal care, and all animals love you. You might not speak their language, but somehow you understand them better than others. They will guard you, and you will guard them You will never be alone. When you're happy, they all come to you. When you're angry, the wolf comes to help you slay down your anger. When you're sad, the tiger comes to cuddle you. When you're misunderstood, the horse comes to take you on a lifetime!
Musican Elf
Musican Elf
The music is in your blood, and you can go to the city to play and get Money, or play by yourself to give out your feelings. You have the instruments on you, and you can use them as a weapon! It's fantastic what you can control with ONE note.
Lover Elf
Lover Elf
You find love all around you. you can make relationships by people you don't even know. You won't find love yourself that easy, but when you do, you know you have found the right one.