Witch Animal Are You Most Like When Your Mad?
Witch Animal Are You Most Like When Your Mad?
Have you ever wondered what animal you were like when you were mad? Take this quiz to find out!
Have you ever wondered what animal you were like when you were mad? Take this quiz to find out!
First Whats your gender?
Whats your favorite color?
Favorite season?
Favorite animal?
You take a while to get angry and usually you just let if off. Your not affrade to give out a mighty roar once and a while. When worked up enough you can become deadly and attacking the other person will definatly injure them, weither it be mentaly, emotionally, or physicly.
You take a while to get upset, an easy trigger is messing with your friends and family. You usally let it go, letting out a vicious growl, but when angered enough you can seriously damage the other person.
Your pretty chill, except when your pride is on the line. You take your self image very seriously and you dont like to get in trouble. When angered the other person better run, cause you'll be chasing them like a bullet.
Yikes! You get easily worked up and you dont like it when people mess with you or anything of yours. That person better watch out cause you will lash out like a python!
You are easily upseted, you dont like to be messed with. You tend to leave others alone, but when someone rubs you the wrong way you lash out with a sharp bite.
You get worked up easily, and you dont like to be messed with. When it comes to the people you love you are sevirly protective and if anyone threatens you you will lash out, weither it be a loud bark, or a vicious bite.