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Star Personality Quiz!

Caroline Marie
Created by Caroline Marie (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 26, 2018
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what is your best quality?

what is your favorite subject?

If you could have any pet, what would it be?

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

what sport do you play?

what is your favorite color?

what is one food you could eat for the rest of your life?

what do you look for in a friend?

how many siblings do you have?

what is a necessity for you?

you are a blue star!

you are a blue star!

You are a blue star, this is the hottest star. You have a energetic personality, that lights up a room. You love to be around other people, but you are sometimes standoffish. You are admired by lots, and are a natural leader.

you are a white star!

you are a white star!

You are a white star, a white star is the second hottest star. You are the book-worm out of all your friends, and are very focused on your studies. You are very independent, and you never like to ask for help because you like the leadership position. You are very kind hearted, and know just how to cheer people up!

you are a yellow star!

you are a yellow star!

You are a yellow star, a yellow star is the second coldest star. You are always the center of attention, and you love it! You are the kind of person everyone wants to be around. You tend to have a lot of admirers, because of your easy way to make the best out of every situation.

you are a red star!

you are a red star!

You are a red star, red stars are the coldest star. You like to be around friends, but you need your alone time quite frequently. You are shy, but have many amazing qualities that only a few close friends are aware of. You are one of the most unique people/stars out there, embrace it!

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