Which Epic Hero are You?
Which Epic Hero are You?
From the ancient Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh to Rome's Aeneid, epic stories have fascinated audiences for millennia. While epic poems all share some characteristics, the heroes of history's greatest epic stories each have their own personalities. Which one do you most resemble?
From the ancient Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh to Rome's Aeneid, epic stories have fascinated audiences for millennia. While epic poems all share some characteristics, the heroes of history's greatest epic stories each have their own personalities. Which one do you most resemble?

What's your favorite animal?
Do you like boats?
What's your greatest fear?
Which of these cuisines is your favorite?
What's most important to you?
What's your relationship style?
Like the hero of Homer's Odyssey, you're clever above all else. You make mistakes and get into mischief on the regular, but things tend to work out for you—especially when it comes down to a battle of wits.
When his home city of Troy was sacked by the Greeks at the beginning of Vergil's Aeneid, Aeneas didn't buy into an every-man-for-himself mentality. He carried his elderly father on his back and led his young son by the hand as he fled the city, and he welcomed dozens of Trojan refugees to join him as he set out to build a new life across the sea. Like Aeneas, we're guessing you're loyal above all else. Sure, you could move faster if you were only looking out for yourself—but life isn't very meaningful without the people you love.
As the young hero of Homer's Iliad, Achilles embodies the importance of glory in ancient Greek culture. Sure, Achilles doesn't live to see the end of the war—but he went down fighting, ensuring that his name would live on forever in legend.
Nordic hero Beowulf was never afraid to face great odds. Even after being named king of Geatland, Beowulf wasn't content to sit on his laurels when he heard a dragon had set up shop nearby. Sure, he ended up dying—but he took the dragon with him. We're guessing you always achieve the goals you set for yourself.
The hero of perhaps the oldest surviving epic in history, Gilgamesh spent the first part of his life as a vicious, hard-partying king. After his subjects complained to the gods, Gilgamesh was sent on a string of tasks that taught him friendship and wisdom. We're guessing that you've become a better person as you've gained age and experience.