Every American Should Be Able To Answer These 17 Questions About The American Flag
Every American Should Be Able To Answer These 17 Questions About The American Flag
Can you get 17/17?
Can you get 17/17?

How many stripes does the American flag have?
What do the stripes represent?
How many stars does the flag have?
The stars are:
Which of the following is NOT one of the nicknames for the flag?
Did the first national flag contain stars?
The first national flag is known as:
Flag Day is celebrated on:
Is Flag Day an official federal holiday?
The flag predates the Constitution.
On August 3, 1777, the flag was first flown from:
Flags are flown at half-staff to:
Is the American Flag the oldest national flag of the world?
Which of the flag's colors signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice?
And which signifies purity and innocence?
How many stripes did the flag have in 1959, before Hawaii joined the union?
And how many STARS did the flag have in 1958, before Alaska joined the union?
Perfect Score! - You Got 17/17!
Perfect Score! - You Got 17/17!
Way to go! You answered all 17 questions correctly. Only 2% of Americans score that high. You must be a true American patriot, with strong values and a big heart. According to a recent poll, American patriots believe in American Exceptionalism. Do you agree or disagree? Let us know in a comment below, and share the quiz on your facebook to test your friends' knowledge.
Wow!! You answered almost everything correctly!
Wow!! You answered almost everything correctly!
You are definitely an American; kind, generous, and conscientious. You are open-minded and free-spirited, and you love your pets (sometimes even more than you love people). Are we spot-on? Let us know in a comment below, and share the quiz on your facebook to test your friends' knowledge.
European, aren't you?
European, aren't you?
You didn't pass this test. If it makes you feel any better, only 2% of Americans can answer all 17 questions correctly. Share the quiz on your facebook to test your friends' knowledge.