Can You Truly Pass A Lie Detector Test?
Can You Truly Pass A Lie Detector Test?
Game time! Get into someone else's shoes, and see if you have what it takes to pass a lie detector test.
Game time! Get into someone else's shoes, and see if you have what it takes to pass a lie detector test.

Truthfully this isn't just a little game... Polygraphs, also commonly known as lie detector tests, are usually used for serious business, oftentimes used in order to help solve criminal cases. What? You thought people could just lie and get away with it? Think again.
However, we must note that lie detector tests are not ALWAYS accurate. As found on Cornell Law School's site, "Polygraphs measure physiological arousal factors, including heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, perspiration, and skin conductivity. The theory of the lie detector test is that these physiological responses will be different when the subject is truthful versus when the subject lies. Therefore, the term ‘lie detector test’ is a misnomer of sorts, since the test does not speak to the truth of the answer or statement, but rather to the fear, stress, and anxiety of the subject as they answer."
Because of this, some are hesitant to use them... Though, nonetheless, they're still very useful and widely used during interrogations. So, what do you think? Would you pass a lie detector test or would your nerves get in the way? It's important to know! Find out below.
You would pass the test and even get to keep a few secrets to yourself!
You would pass the test and even get to keep a few secrets to yourself!
You have a very calm personality, and a natural honest personality. You don't lie often, and you would never do anything intentionally to harm the people you love.
However, when you do lie, you do it so effortlessly, that your subconscious is not even aware of the lie.
Your results are inconclusive
Your results are inconclusive
We are sorry, but we were not able to provide you an absolute truth.
You are are a naturally nervous person, with a lot of good intentions and self doubts. You will never try to hurt anyone intentionally, but if you do, you will never admit it.
You have failed the test, what are you hiding?
You have failed the test, what are you hiding?
You have failed the test!
Our conclusion is that although you don't have an evil bone in your body, you have revealed the secret.
As a form of punishment, Andy asked you to share a funny secret about yourself in the comments below. We can't wait to see what you write!
Have you ever taken a lie detector test?
Have you ever taken a lie detector test?