Are You Mentally Young According To How Your Brain Works?
Are You Mentally Young According To How Your Brain Works?
The following questions are based on the scientifically proven differences between the way people's brains work. What is your TRUE mental age?
The following questions are based on the scientifically proven differences between the way people's brains work. What is your TRUE mental age?

It's easier for you to remember...
In which direction does the woman spin?
Are you left-handed or right-handed?
Now cross your legs. Which leg is on top?
The color of the word is...
What's the direction of the Mona Lisa painting?
The BEST way to arrange this is..
How about this one?
Is this the woman you saw in the first question?
And her name was...
Your mental age is 19
Your mental age is 19
Your mental age is 19, and your mental personality type is The Visionary. You are an idea generator. You are intellectual and imaginative. You are rarely bored and never boring, and always in the mood to try new things. You are good at motivating yourself and others, and fun to be around. You are not intimidated by the unknown, and willing to take risks when risks are required. You are The Visionary.
Your mental age is 31
Your mental age is 31
Your mental age is 31, and your mental personality type is The Protector. You are warm and modest, and you tell it like it is. You are unapologetic when you think you are right, and you make people feel safe and secure. You are courageous and dedicated, and you carry genuine compassion for others and for yourself. You are The Protector.
Your mental age is 98
Your mental age is 98
Your mental age is 98, and your mental personality type is The Nurturer. You are the one who can create order out of chaos. You are considerate to everyone, you tend to look on the bright side, and you always try to sympathize with the feelings of others. You are passionate, family-oriented, and generous, and you appreciate intimacy and openness. You are The Nurturer.