Only 5% Of Native English Speakers Have This Size Vocabulary!
Only 5% Of Native English Speakers Have This Size Vocabulary!
The average native English speaker knows between 20,000 - 35 000 words. Are you above or below average? Take our English vocabulary quiz and find out!
The average native English speaker knows between 20,000 - 35 000 words. Are you above or below average? Take our English vocabulary quiz and find out!

The synonym of love is:
The synonym of intelligent is:
The synonym of succeed is:
The synonym of panic is:
The synonym of silly is:
The synonym of evade is:
The synonym of barbaric is:
The synonym of salubrious is:
The synonym of obnoxious is:
The synonym of vacillant is:
The synonym of nasty is:
The synonym of dry is:
The antonym of ordinary is:
The antonym of boredom is:
The antonym of agree is:
The antonym of run is:
The antonym of brave is:
The antonym of passive is:
The antonym of empathy is:
The antonym of yes is:
Top Result! Your English vocabulary size is 40,000!!
Top Result! Your English vocabulary size is 40,000!!
Wow!! You are an English expert!! The size of your vocabulary is super impressive since the average adult has about 20,000 to 35,000 words in their vocabulary. You are smarter than the average English adult! If your English teacher could see how the size of your vocabulary has grown since school, she would be extremely proud! Continue to impress and be extraordinary!
Your English vocabulary size is 35,000
Your English vocabulary size is 35,000
Well done! You are among the majority of adults who have an impressive list of vocabulary but can still learn more words to add to your list! The average adult adds a new word to their list every day so go and add some more words to be even more impressive than you already are!
Your English vocabulary is 10,000
Your English vocabulary is 10,000
Oh no!!! You need to work on your vocabulary list! You have the same amount of words that the average eight year old has. Come on!! We know you can do better than that! We have faith in you! Go and stretch your vocabulary wings and fly!