Only People With A Vivid Imagination Will Be Able To Fill In the Colors
Only People With A Vivid Imagination Will Be Able To Fill In the Colors
This unique color test determines just how imaginative you are. Fill in the missing colors and find out what kind of imagination you have!
This unique color test determines just how imaginative you are. Fill in the missing colors and find out what kind of imagination you have!

What color is the object the arrow is pointing to?
How about this object?
Keep guessing the color of the object the arrow is pointing to...
You have an extremely vivid imagination!
You have an extremely vivid imagination!
You have a very strong and vivid imaginative streak, but you balance it well with a pragmatic nature. This is exceptionally important because it means that you are able to think up amazing ideas, and put them into effect. Your imagination takes you to interesting places, but you make sure not to daydream the day away either. Keep up that delicate balance!
You have an abstract imagination!
You have an abstract imagination!
Your imagination is your biggest gift, and it places you in the unique position of thinking up amazing and creative ideas. You often find yourself daydreaming and thinking up fanciful scenes and scenarios, but you are still grounded in reality. Your imagination will lead you far in any path you take in life.