What Color Band is your Posterpower?
What Color Band is your Posterpower?
What would your band color be, if you were a posthuman in Kitty Burrough's "The Posterchildren"?
What would your band color be, if you were a posthuman in Kitty Burrough's "The Posterchildren"?
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Red Band
Red Band
RED: Element Kinesis
Congratulations! You're a red band. Red bands have the ability to control the basic elements available in nature.
Examples: Aerokinesis, pyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, atmokinesis.
Prominent red bands include: June Hovick, Ofelia D, Kenneth McKay, Bice Cortadino
Orange Band
Orange Band
ORANGE: Body Control
Congratulations, you're a orange band! You have the ability to manipulate aspects of your physicality.
Examples: Animal mimicry, duplication, enhanced senses, invulnerability.
Prominent orange bands: Ernest Wright, Catherine Newmeyer, Vee Kim, Marshal Underwood
Gold Band
Gold Band
GOLD: Transport
Congratulations! You're a gold band. They have the ability to move from point A to point B in a fashion that makes baseline humans look like chumps.
Examples: Superspeed, teleportation, flight, summoning.
Prominent gold-bands: Zipporah Chance, Cindy Dunn, Henri Olivier, Phoebe Tanaka
Green Band
Green Band
GREEN: Energy Control
Congratulations! You're a green band. You have the ability to gather, convert, or generate different forms of energy.
Examples: Bioelectricmagnetism, solar sourcing, energy constructs, energy physiology.
Prominent green bands: Maks Petrov, Sofia Galan-Grant, Ellie Lark, Lan Lau
Blue Band
Blue Band
BLUE: Reality Manipulation
Congratulations, you're a blue band, which gives you the ability to break the laws of reality over your knee. Over and over.
Examples: Probability manipulation, shapeshifting, resurrection, gravity control.
Prominent blue bands in the series: Malek Underwood, Corbin Underwood, Clay Dillinger, Newt Davis
Purple Band
Purple Band
PURPLE: Psionics
Congratulations, you're a purple band! Purple bands have the ability to mentally manipulate the world around them.
Examples: Psychometry, mind control, telekinesis, memory alteration.
Prominent purple bands in the series include: Jack Willard, Amira Bint-Balquis, Ida Mae Sullivan, and Mamie Lamarr (featured in Foundation)
Pink Band
Pink Band
PINK: Support/Passive
Congratulations! You're a pink band. Pink bands have the ability to affect the powers of others. This classification is largely for powers that are not consciously controlled by the poster. The association with the color pink came from the passive nature of these abilities—though they are some of the most devastating ones.
Examples: Power sensing, power erasure, power increase, pheromone production.
Prominent pink bands in the series thus far: Rosario Galan-Grant, Ramon Benevente (featured in Corona), Nurse Mercy Bliss, and Gloria Wright (featured in Say Please).