What gay meme truly represents you?
What gay meme truly represents you?
Out of all the memes around, gay memes are by far the best. Which one represents who you truly are on the inside?
Out of all the memes around, gay memes are by far the best. Which one represents who you truly are on the inside?

What is your Hogwarts House?
What do you do in your spare time?
What is your sexual orientation?
What is the most significant part of your online presence?
Which song represents who you are?
What is one word that describes you?
What is something you look for in a relationship?
What is something you can't stand?
Handmaiden/Feudal Lord
Handmaiden/Feudal Lord
This popular meme blew up after someone made a post describe Makorra as a queer relationship and Korrasami as a heteronormative relationship similar to the relationship between a feudal lord and a handmaiden
Elton John, A Known Gay
Elton John, A Known Gay
As we all know, Macklemore is NOT homophobic. He even performed with Elton John, A Known Gay.
Gal Pals
Gal Pals
A truly classic meme, nothing better describes the straights' inability to see romantic love between two woman as anything more than friendship as the phrase "gal pal."
Heterosexuality is A Life Creator
Heterosexuality is A Life Creator
Heterosexuality is a life-creator. Heterosexuality is love. Heterosexuality is orgasms. Heterosexuality is cuddles and kisses. Heterosexuality is seeing your face and the face of your beloved become one in someone new. Heterosexuality is great works of art. Heterosexuality is beautiful love songs, from the opera to the opry. Heterosexuality is the dignified waning strength of an elderly man helping his wife to her feet. Heterosexuality is the look middle aged parents exchange as they watch their child walk down the aisle
Need I say more?
I Bought a Fucking Rainbow Backpack To Support You Guys
I Bought a Fucking Rainbow Backpack To Support You Guys
#i bought a fucking rainbow backpack to support you guys #I'm straight #but this is how i get treated #i don't hate you guys #BUT QUIT MAKING ME FEEL LIKE BEING STRAIGHT IS BAD #What if i said no one gives a fuck about your gay opinion #HOW WOULD THAT MAKE YOU FEEL
How can we forget this True Ally?
Don't You Gays Have a Power Bottom Thing?
Don't You Gays Have a Power Bottom Thing?
Never did one cup of coffee slightly smaller than its counterpart enact such an iconic and unforgettable phrase
Heterosexual Tiddy Bone
Heterosexual Tiddy Bone
Commonly known as the most ridiculous way to show that that thing you made is, in fact, Heterosexual
3 Hours of Walking in NYC Dressed as a Homosexual
3 Hours of Walking in NYC Dressed as a Homosexual
Because tight pants and a shopping bag is, in fact, required to become gay. We will never forget this brave ally's sacrifice to support our cause