Which GlitchTale Trait are you?
Which GlitchTale Trait are you?
Ever wondered what trait you had? Wish that you'd known sooner? Take this quiz to find out what trait you have been given or the trait you lost!
Ever wondered what trait you had? Wish that you'd known sooner? Take this quiz to find out what trait you have been given or the trait you lost!

What's your favorite color?
What's your gender?
How do you spend your time often?
How would you describe yourself?
If you had a special soul, what will it represent?
If you came face-to-face with a killer, would you kill them?
Determination Trait!
Determination Trait!
Congrats! You have the rarest soul among all 9 traits. Only one generation of this soul can spawn at a time. They have the ability to make the right choices no matter what and are very determined. Congratulations!
Fear Trait!
Fear Trait!
Ah, the fear trait. Casted by the Bete Noire spell, meaning the black beast. Now let me tell you something, your soul wasn't always pink. It's because of the Bete Noire spell someone casted on you. I don't know if you should be happy about this, though, but if you have it under control, then you are fine.
Hate Trait =)
Hate Trait =)
Your soul is...Hate? Your soul was either glitched or it was always like this. Try to get the hate out of your soul, fast, or it might completely take over! There is one way to cure this, though. You need all traits, Integrity,Patience,Perseverance,Kindness,Justice, Bravery, and Determination. Put those traits inside of you and you just might be normal again.
Patience Trait
Patience Trait
You got the Patience trait! You are very patient and calm, and you like to meditate when anger takes over. You care about others and the ones you love very much.
Bravery Trait
Bravery Trait
You got the bravery trait! This trait allows you to to do the right thing, even when you get affected by rejections, social subjects, embarrassment, and others. Bravery is the only trait that allows you not to be scared of anything. Not even injuries, or even death! You're going to go far in life, keep up the good work!
Justice Trait
Justice Trait
You got the justice trait! This trait allows you to fight for what is right. Justice traits are usually given to the members of royal families and warriors, and maybe, even cowboys and cowgirls! This trait allows you to fight for justice!
Kindness Trait
Kindness Trait
You got the kindness trait! This trait is usually given to kind people. Kind people don't be kind for something in return, they just want to help. People who have this trait are; empathetic, caring, thoughtful, kind, friendly, nice, generous. It is not to have a kindness soul and be mean to someone.
Integrity Trait
Integrity Trait
You got the Integrity trait! This trait allows you to be honest and always tell the truth, even when you don't want to. This trait is usually given to ballerinas, sword fighters, and lots more. The trait has the most population so far. This trait also allows you to keep your promise. However, this soul is the most easiest to turn gray, so watch out for that. Otherwise, congrats!
Perseverance Trait
Perseverance Trait
You got the perseverance trait! You are empathetic, thoughtful and think not only about yourself, but for others, too. This trait is normally spawned in normal places. Your purple soul shines under the stars and moon! Keep going!
Which GlitchTale Trait are you?