What book of the Bible are you? Food edition

Catholic Buzfeed
Created by Catholic Buzfeed (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 25, 2019
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Pick a fruit!

Pick a pizza topping!

Pick a bread

Pick a dessert!

Pick a meaty entree

Pick a way to eat fish

What are you sipping on?



You are at home in exotic settings with exotic flavors. While times may be exciting and/or dangerous, you're not too distracted to enjoy the food (when you're not fasting of course)



Like Paul, you like to tell it how it is, and your approach to food is straightforward and simple too. Of course, you're a fan of the fruits and the Fruits of the Spirit, though we hear those aren't the same thing...



Each part of Genesis is unique and exciting in its own right, like you and your food. And all of the genealogies in between reflect how there's a continuity in your personality. You're like a seven-course display of decadence, and you may inadvertently play host to angels. Who knows?



You take great comfort in knowing that God will provide for your daily needs, much in the same way that He provided manna and quail in the desert. While you sometimes feel like your wandering, God has you covered, and you rejoice at the daily miracle that is food.



THE END TIMES ARE COMING and food is food is food. You don't worry yourself too much about what you're eating, as long as it sustains you long enough to get to the next prayer or sacrament or second coming.



You are an odd egg, and at times people don't know what to make of you. There's a lot of good in you, both in your personality and in your taste, but maybe you spawn some confusion (hopefully no one tells you you're a mistake that shouldn't be here, because that's just not true). Those who take the time to know and understand you are blessed

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On Nov 18, 2021