Can You Correctly Name These 15 Basic Tools?
Can You Correctly Name These 15 Basic Tools?
Ready --> Set --> Go!
Ready --> Set --> Go!
Name this tool:
Now name this one:
And how about this one?
Keep naming:
Go on...
Excellent Work!
Excellent Work!
You Passed!! Way to go! You know your way around tools and hardware. You seem like a wise and curious person. You embrace your skills and creativity. You experiment and find ways to do things differently, and you're not afraid to make mistakes or ask for help when you need it. Summing up, you have the traits of born leaders.
Failed :(
Failed :(
You scored low :(
Let's face it. You can't fix stuff around the house. Don't even try...Just kidding. Seriously though, just leave it to the pros. Your time is better spent on a nice vacation.
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