Artemis Fowl: Who Are You?
Artemis Fowl: Who Are You?
Find out which character you are!
Find out which character you are!
You have to get into an airport, but you don't have a visa. How do you get in?
You have a choice of 4 books to read: Psychology by J. Argon, Expert Thieves, Technology Weekly and How To Use The New Neutrinos. Which one do you choose?
You see yourself on the cover of Technology Weekly. How do you react?
Opal is on the loose again. How do you confront her?
Your mother is deathly ill. What do you do?
Artemis Fowl
Artemis Fowl
The genius behind every scheme. 'Fairy Public Enemy No.1'
Holly Short
Holly Short
The funny, loyal LEP captain. The first female LEP officer.
Mulch Diggums
Mulch Diggums
The 'kleptomaniac dwarf' who steals anything. He has certain 'abilities' which I best not go into.
The inventive, genius centaur with a good sense of humour.