What emoji represent your favorite BTS member?
What emoji represent your favorite BTS member?
¡Discover it!
¡Discover it!

¿with who could you like to dance all day?
¿Who do you think has a good style in BTS?
¿Who is the best at singing ?
¿Who is more Aegyo?
¿Who is more good looking?
"who would you like to be BFFs with?
¿Who would you pick to have fun?
J- Hope
J- Hope
J-Hope is so cute, ¿right? Otherwise he's super fun to hang out with! ¡Your emoji is this one!
Jimin is Handsome, right? He's cute and he loves to dance! He is also the jokester in the group. ¿What do you really like about Jimin?Your emoji is this one:
¿Did you know that Jin loves to cook? That explains it, He deserves the emoji with the star eyes... ¡That is why you connect with him! ¡How cool! Tell me why he's your favorite.
Jungkook is known for being a bit shy, ¡but that doesn't mean he does not rock it out every time he goes on stage! Your emoji is this one!
Rap Monster (RM)
Rap Monster (RM)
According to the BTS memebers, Rap monster (RM) is sweet and is super fun to be around, ¡ Even if he is known to be the"God of distraction"! Your emoji is this one !
Suga is known for being shy and quiet, ¡But those who meet him say that when he talks he's serious so listen up ! that's it,he acts mature in the BTS band. Your emoji is this one!
¡V thinks that being original is great and it makes him happy seeing other people being themselves ! He is one of the members with most fans in BTS, that is why we think this emoji is perfect ;)