Who Would Be Your BFF From Little Mix?
Who Would Be Your BFF From Little Mix?
Perrie, Jesy, Leigh-Anne, or Jade? Let's see!
Perrie, Jesy, Leigh-Anne, or Jade? Let's see!
Who would you like to date out of 1D?
What music genre do you listen to the most?
You're at a party. What are you drinking?
Which of these white shoes would you choose?
What hair colour would you like to try out of these?
What are you most likely to wear on your head?
What is your favourite song from Get Weird out of these?
You're a trendy, crazy girl! You like to follow the newest trend and you love make-up! You're also strong and compassionate. That why you'd be such good friends!
You don't really care what others think about you - and that's defo a good thing! You like to dress up. You are also quite sensible. That why Jesy would be your BFF!
You're extremely cool and fit and sometimes a bit crazy! You love fashion and there's no better way to relax than go for a walk with your favourite music playing in your headphones!
You like to experiment with hair colours, don't you? You're also really into make-up and you like crazy colours on accessories! That's why you'd be such good friends!