What Would YOU Do?: Supernatural Edition

As hunters, Sam and Dean Winchester have to make a lot of tough decisions. You're about to make some of your own. Play our game of "What Would YOU Do?" with questions straight from the Supernatural universe.

Created by CelebMix (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 12, 2016

The apocalypse is coming and you're forced to chose a side. Who will you stand with?

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You're allowed to hang out with one of the members of "Team Free Will" for the day. Who will you go with?

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You've been granted the ability to revive one of the characters listed below. Who will you save?

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You found a gateway into the world of hunting. Are you going through or keeping the doors closed?

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There are three friendly ships. Once you're on one, you can't get on another. Which one will you board?

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You look at Dean. You look at Castiel. What's your first thought?

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You were given the ability to revive a character, but now you have been given the chance to kill one. Who's going down?

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Girl power is great power. You have the chance to meet one of these awesome women. Who will you run to?

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You find a button. If clicked, everything before Mary Winchester's death will be erased and she will survive. What's your course of action?

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You travel back in time. Dean just threw out the Samulet and left, but Sam's still in the room. What does he do?

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These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021