What Should You Name Your Baby Girl?
What Should You Name Your Baby Girl?
Have you ever wondered what you'll name your future daughter?
Have you ever wondered what you'll name your future daughter?
Do you want your daughter to be a girly-girl or a tom-boy?
What type of boyfriend do you want her to have in the future?
If she was a boy, what would her name be?
What will her favorite TV show be?
What season will she be born in?
Finally, what will be your favorite thing about her?
Gabriella is a sweet, independent child. She is likely the oldest child, and she will definitely show it. She is a strong leader and a confident young lady. She is well-behaved and the child you've always wanted.
Liliana is a bubbly little girl. She is the typical girly-girl! She is most likely a middle child. She will be popular throughout school, but she will get that way with her kindness rather than being stuck-up. You'll be very proud of her because she is destined to do great things.
Addison is a class clown at heart! She loves to entertain all your friends and family members. She's a definite tom-boy, and she isn't afraid to show it. She will grow up to be very successful, and she'll never fail to make you smile.
Adelaide will grow up to be a very powerful person. She'll constantly tell you that she can dress herself, play by herself, and be herself. She will be very well liked by not only kids but by adults too. She may be young, but she's mature!
Delaney is a very spunky girl. She's the nicest girl you'll ever meet. She never misses a moment to make someone happy. She is more on the tom-boy and nerdy side, but her favorite color is likely to be yellow or pink. She'll always be there for you, and she will love every minute of it.