Peter the Great

This is a quiz about Peter the Great made by Christian Greenblott

Created by cgreenblott.pinnacle1 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Oct 31, 2016
1 / 20

Who was Peter the Great?

2 / 20

What dynasty was Peter the Great ruling in?

3 / 20

What city did Peter the Great find?

4 / 20

What was Peter the Greats fullname?

5 / 20

What was the new empire that peter the great founded?

6 / 20

During the northern war who did peter the great declare war on?

7 / 20

What religion was peter the great?

8 / 20

Who was Peter the Greats wife?

9 / 20

Where was peter the Great buried?

10 / 20

What part of the Russian army did Peter the Great officially find?

11 / 20

Which palace did Peter the Great have “Peter's court”?

12 / 20

How many kids did Peter the Great have?

13 / 20

Who was the oldest kid of Peter the Great?

14 / 20

Who did Peter the Great make peace with before the Northern war?

15 / 20

What was the empire before the empire Peter the Great founded?

16 / 20

What was Peter the Great having health issues with?

17 / 20

In 1724 what gender of Peter the Great's kids died?

18 / 20

How tall was Peter the Great?

19 / 20

How did Peter the Great change Russia?

20 / 20

Which portrait of Peter the Great was a gift to England?

Questions left
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