What Would Happen To You In An Alien Abduction?
What Would Happen To You In An Alien Abduction?
Celebrate World UFO Day by finding out how you'd fare getting picked up by an extraterrestrial.
Celebrate World UFO Day by finding out how you'd fare getting picked up by an extraterrestrial.

You'd Become Their Leader.
You'd Become Their Leader.
You know your stuff. Whether you're knowledgeable about outer space and its possibilities, or just flat-out intelligent, you'd manage to not only survive, but conquer. You'd adapt impressively and work your way up through the ranks, becoming a leader among all the others. You may have been the only human picked up or stood out among any other Earthlings on board. Either way, well done!
You'd Annoy Them Into Bringing You Back.
You'd Annoy Them Into Bringing You Back.
Are you a skeptic? Or just really determined to get back home? It's impressive - you managed to make it back. You may have pestered them until they were begging you to get off the UFO or just pretended it was all basically a fever dream until they got bored. The question is, are you going to share your tale with the world or act like it never happened?
You'd Ingrain Yourself Into Their Society.
You'd Ingrain Yourself Into Their Society.
Earth is getting a bit too much for you and you wouldn't mind escaping, even to another part of the solar system. An alien abduction is like a trip to the beach for you. You figure that if you can't beat them, you might as well join them. You may even find that their society is more enticing than the one you've left behind. Good luck on your journey!
You'd Be Sacrificed....Sorry.
You'd Be Sacrificed....Sorry.
Unfortunately, you may not have the best experience when trailing along with E.T. They may deem you unworthy of joining their ranks or you may be unwilling to. Perhaps you angered the wrong alien and they ended up taking that animosity out on you. It's going to be interesting to see what stories they end up telling about you down on Earth.