The ULTIMATE Friends Trivia Quiz

Think you're the ultimate Friends fan? This test will tell you if you are right or not!

Created by Charlotte (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Apr 13, 2017
1 / 40

Who said: "Chandler does still think I'm pregnant. He hasn't asked me how I'm feeling or offered to carry my bags. I feel bad for the woman who ends up with him." ?

2 / 40

What name is Chandler's TV Guide addressed to?

3 / 40

Which soap opera does Joey act in?

4 / 40

What does Phoebe legally change her name to?

5 / 40

Why did Chandler break up with his first girlfriend?

6 / 40

What is the name of Phoebe's most-played song?

7 / 40

What comic book did Ross create as a child?

8 / 40

Where was the first place Rachel and Ross had sex?

9 / 40

What is Frank Jr's favorite thing to do?

10 / 40

What does Frank Jr think Phoebe does as an occupation when they first meet?

11 / 40

Who peed on Monica's jellyfish sting?

12 / 40

Why did Ross and Carol get a divorce?

13 / 40

What does Monica keep in her secret closet?

14 / 40

What's Joey's favorite food?

15 / 40

What does Monica receive from her father after he ruins all of her childhood items?

16 / 40

Where did Ross and Emily end up on their first date?

17 / 40

What does Rachel claim is her favorite movie?

18 / 40

What is Rachel's ACTUAL favorite movie?

19 / 40

What does Joey wear to Monica and Chandler's wedding?

20 / 40

What were the name of Phoebe's triplets? (select all)

21 / 40

Where was Ross and Rachel's OFFICIAL first date?

22 / 40

Where did Chandler have to work after he fell asleep in a meeting?

23 / 40

What type of bed does Monica accidentally get from the Mattress King?

24 / 40

What is Chandler's mother's job?

25 / 40

Where has Rachel NOT worked?

26 / 40

In the very first episode, Rachel makes her entrance as a runaway bride - but what was the name of the husband-to-be from who she was running?

27 / 40

Which band sang the Friends theme tune?

28 / 40

What’s the number of Monica’s apartment?

29 / 40

Joey was cast as the butt double of which Hollywood star?

30 / 40

Who or what was Rosita?

31 / 40


Can You Answer These Obscure “Friends” Trivia Questions?
Joey doesn’t share answers!

posted on Sept. 2, 2015, at 5:01 p.m.
Erika Weiss


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In what order do the characters appear in the opening credits?

32 / 40

What did the duck (Chandler and Joey's pet) eat that made him sick?

33 / 40

What card did Joey think was stolen by the guy who robbed the apartment?

34 / 40

How many blocks was Rachel's childhood dog LaPooh dragged?

35 / 40

In "The One Where Ross Got High," which of the following secrets is NOT discussed?

36 / 40

In "The One Where They All Turn Thirty," at what age does Rachel say she wants to have a kid?

37 / 40

In "The One With All the Resolutions," Joey wants to learn how to play guitar. Which of the following is NOT one of the chord shapes that Phoebe teaches him?

38 / 40

In Season 2, who is the manager of Central Perk?

39 / 40

In "The One With the Lottery," what is the power ball number?

40 / 40

Who gets married in Vegas?

Questions left
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