Behold Sir Nils Olav, The World's Most Decorated Penguin

All hail the coolest of penguins - a knighted one.

Charlotte Lucas
Created by Charlotte Lucas
On Aug 23, 2016

Meet Sir Nils Olav, the king penguin, resident of the Edinburgh Zoo.

Yes, Sir. He is an honorary member of the King of Norway's Guard.


One of his duties is to inspect the troops when they come to Scotland.

Look at him! He's doing such a good job!


Sir Nils has been a knight for a while but was promoted in a ceremony attended by the soldiers.

He is now known as BRIGADIER Sir Nils Olav.


See the whole video of the proud Sir Nils inspecting the guard.

twitter embed goes here!

And try not to collapse from how amazing and adorable this is. Good luck.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021