But Wait! Julie Andrews And Dick Van Dyke Will Be In The New Mary Poppins Movie

The original stars are coming on back to the big screen.

Charlotte Lucas
Created by Charlotte Lucas
On Mar 29, 2017

A new Mary Poppins film (Mary Poppins Returns) was announced recently, with Emily Blunt and Lin-Manuel Miranda in the starring roles.


There is even a rumor that Meryl Streep and Ben Whishaw may be joining the cast.


BUT NOW! The biggest news is that the beloved original stars - Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke - could very well be in this new film as well.


There's no telling just how big their roles may be in the films, but fans are already getting excited at the prospect of seeing this duo reunite in the Mary Poppins world.


The movie will be directed by Rob Marshall (Into the Woods) and is scheduled for Christmas 2018.

Who do you think Andrews and Van Dyke could be playing in the long-awaited sequel?

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