What Would Be Your Fate In Shondaland?
What Would Be Your Fate In Shondaland?
Step carefully...it's Shonda Rhimes' world and you're just living in it.
Step carefully...it's Shonda Rhimes' world and you're just living in it.

You get a happy ending!
You get a happy ending!
Woah. Impressive. How'd you manage that? You got the coveted storyline that hovers just beyond the grasp of most of the inhabitants of ShondaLand. Not only do you get to survive, but the majority of the people you love might not die terrible, tear-jerking deaths! Consider yourself extremely lucky - only the special ones get this fate.
You get killed off - but fans are sad.
You get killed off - but fans are sad.
Okay sure, you may not get a truly happy ending, but at least the fans will mourn you after you're gone. Maybe you were beloved or perhaps audience members just found you attractive, but either way, the fans would be ever so sad when you were no longer around to grace their screens with your dramatic presence in the ream of the Shonda Rhimes creations.
You get killed off - but fans are thrilled.
You get killed off - but fans are thrilled.
Perhaps you played a villain here, and maybe you even enjoyed it, but let's be real, fans aren't going to be sobbing after you're gone from the magical realm of Shonda shows. You may show up in the occasional fan-created video, but for some reason, whether personal or fictional, your ending on the show might be awfully satisfying.
Your loved one(s) get(s) killed off.
Your loved one(s) get(s) killed off.
Sure, you're safe but at what price? Shonda may have it out for your character, which can be dangerous for those around you. You may think everything is going along swimmingly and then...well, Grey's Anatomy fans have a pretty good idea how this one goes. And once that happens, your storyline becomes one of rebuilding and relearning how your life is gonna go.
You get a spin-off.
You get a spin-off.
Woah! You're serious business. You've been granted the greatest gift one can receive when dealing with the land of Shonda Rhimes: a spin-off. Your character - whether a main or not - was interesting enough for the audience to want and need more about you. Granted this may mean you move to Seattle and start a new life there, but hey, that's gotta be cool, right?
You live....but your life kinda sucks.
You live....but your life kinda sucks.
Perhaps you always manage to get the short straw, but it's okay. Possibly. I mean your loved ones aren't being killed off every season, but your life is not going as well as you might have hoped. Maybe there's a lot of career pitfalls and/or love life troubles, but keep calm and carry on. Perhaps Shonda will show you love at some point in the next few seasons.