Which Female Marvel Or DC Villain Are You?
Which Female Marvel Or DC Villain Are You?
Which female Marvel or DC villain are you most like? Find out!
Which female Marvel or DC villain are you most like? Find out!
Weapon of Choice?
Are You Going To Be Human?
Who is Your Hero Enemy?
Which Power or Skill Would You Like To Have Most?
What Colors Will Your Suit or Costume Be?
Now finally, which out of these are you strongest in?
Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn
You are most like Harley Quinn! She has the power to immunize herself to various assorted toxins and Ivy's own poisonous touch. Here are her powerstats:
Intelligence: 81 out of 100
Strength: 12 out of 100
Speed: 33 out of 100
Durability: 42 out of 100
Power: 43 out of 100
Combat: 80 out of 100
You are most like Mystique! Mystique is a mutant metamorph. She can psionically shift the atoms and molecules of her body and of whatever clothing she is wearing so as to change her and its appearance. As a result she can cause herself to look and sound like an exact duplicate of any human, humanoid, or semi-humanoid being of either sex, wearing virtually any kind of clothing. Her control is so exact that she can precisely duplicate another person's retina pattern in her own eyes, finger, palm and skin-pore patterns on her own hands and skin, and vocal cords to match voices to the point of corresponding voiceprints. Here are her powerstats:
Intelligence: 75 out of 100
Strength: 12 out of 100
Speed: 23 out of 100
Durability: 64 out of 100
Power: 58 out of 100
Combat: 74 out of 100
Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy
You are most like Poison Ivy! Poison Ivy has chlorokonisis, which is a Semi-mystical connection to the plant world through a force called the Green. In some adaptations she can control plants with her mind. Here are her powerstats:
Intelligence: 69 out of 100
Strength: 14 out of 100
Speed: 23 out of 100
Durability: 14 out of 100
Power: 71 out of 100
Combat: 36 out of 100
Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch
You are Scarlet Witch! Scarlet Witch can tap into mystic energy for reality-altering effects; this power was formerly limited to the creation of "hex-spheres" of reality-disrupting quasi-psionic force to cause molecular disturbances in a target's probability field, resulting in spontaneous combustion, deflection of objects in flight, and so on. These are her powerstats:
Intelligence: 88 out of 100
Strength: 10 out of 100
Speed:23 out of 100
Durability: 42 out of 100
Power: 72 out of 100
Combat: 50 out of 100
Black Mamba
Black Mamba
You are most like Black Mamba! Black Mamba possesses the ability to project an inky cloud of extradimensional energy known as the Darkforce. This energy is manifested by Black Mamba as a limited quantity of viscous semi-solid matter.Black Mamba uses the Darkforce (a process she refers to as "shedding her skin") to surround, constrict, and suffocate her opponents. Here are her powerstats:
Intelligence: 75 out of 100
Strength: 10 out of 100
Speed: 35 out of 100
Durability: 42 out of 100
Power: 78 out of 100
Combat: 65 out of 100
You are most like Cheetah! Cheetah has many skills and powers. If the Cheetah is goaded into a fit of frenzy, her strength level enhances to near superhuman levels.Like her namesake, the Cheetah possesses the swiftness and agility of a jungle cat. She is also a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and has been known to even keep Wonder Woman on her guard.