Which The DUFF Character Are You?

Ever wanted to know which "The DUFF" character you are most like? Find out, by taking this quiz!

Chelsea D
Created by Chelsea D (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 11, 2015

How Do You Deal With Mean Girls and/or boys?

Do You Think You're Weird?

Do you do pranks?

What is your style of clothing?

What is your favorite band/singer out of the following?

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

What is your favorite quote from the movie?

What is/was your favorite part of school?

What do you do if you get in trouble?

Lastly, are you female or male?



You are Madison! You are very persistent, and you never give up. You are very social, and you are probably the most popular girl/boy in your school. But sometimes, if you don't get something you want, you can get a bit angry. Remember to be grateful for what you already have!



You are Jess! You are a social butterfly, and everyone in school likes you! Not only are you popular, but you are extremely caring and friendly..



You are Casey! You are the friendly girl jock of the school. So, not only do you have great athleticism, but you are also very kind. Keep it up!



You are Wesley! You are the friendly jock, and you don't mind it when people ask you to do favors.



You are Bianca! The DUFF ( Designated, Ugly, Fat, Friend). Except not all of those things are true about you. You have a quirky personality, and you are very humorous and kind,

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