How Well Do You Remember Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman?
How Well Do You Remember Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman?
Doctor Quinn may be hokey by today's standards, but back in the day it was one of the most watched shows on television. Do you truly remember Dr. Quinn? Let's find out!
Doctor Quinn may be hokey by today's standards, but back in the day it was one of the most watched shows on television. Do you truly remember Dr. Quinn? Let's find out!

Dr. Quinn was originally from ...
Sully's deceased wife was related to which other character on the show?
What is Sully's first name?
Who gave Dr. Quinn this big sign that hangs outside her clinic?
The children's last names are ...
Robert E. was the town ...
Which main character switched actors/actresses during the show?
What type of surgery had Dr. Quinn never performed until she had to save her youngest son?
Dr. Quinn earned her education at the Women's Medical College of ______.
Dr. Quinn's first name is ...
Which of these famous people did NOT play a guest character in the show?
This is Reverend Timothy _____.
Who was the town barber?
The town cafe was run by ...
Charlotte asked Dr. Quinn to look after her children just before dying due to ...