Hudson Hawk 25th Anniversary Trivia!
Hudson Hawk 25th Anniversary Trivia!
A film that was before it's time. Many didn't think it was very good, but it also has its fans. How well do you remember this great adventure comedy?
A film that was before it's time. Many didn't think it was very good, but it also has its fans. How well do you remember this great adventure comedy?

What was Hudson Hawk's real name?
What occupation was Hudson trying to retire from?
Hawk's best friend, and partner at his bar, is named Tommy "_____" Messina.
The CIA "Candybars" used to be named after what instead?
Name these brothers who try to hire Hawk for an art heist right after he gets out of prison.
Eddie keeps trying to get what beverage throughout the movie?
The Mayflowers were actually responsible! What was their dog's name?
How does Hawk time all his heists?
Which of these characters was in charge of the CIA agents?
After stealing the Sforza maquette, Eddie is kidnapped and taken where?
Which of these CIA agents didn't speak?
What is seen near both the beginning and end of the film?
The knife-wielding butler's name is?
The Mayflowers want to assemble the Da Vinci machine to convert _____ into gold.
It turned out Anna Baragli really worked for ...