What Infamous Spy Is Your Inner Self?
What Infamous Spy Is Your Inner Self?
Think you're more Bond, or more Bourne? Is Harry Hart, agent Galahad, your inner agent or is it Ethan Hunt? What incredible movie secret agent drives your inner mind?
Think you're more Bond, or more Bourne? Is Harry Hart, agent Galahad, your inner agent or is it Ethan Hunt? What incredible movie secret agent drives your inner mind?

You believe that at work one should ...
Your co-worker is trying to give you more work so you ...
When you get home the first thing you do is ...
The most important thing to look for in buying a car is ...
Your most important asset as a spy is your ...
Would you work for an agency, as a contractor, or be completely independent?
The best way to relax is to go ...
Good, reliable ______ are hard to come by.
In which of these activities would you most likely participate?
What flavor drink would you pick?
James Bond
James Bond
Your inner spy is James Bond! When some extremist group is threatening the world's well-being, you can be sure Bond will be there to stop them. He's good and he know's it, as he almost never even gives a cover identity. He's simply "Bond. James Bond."
Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne would be your inner spy. The Treadstone program breaks down the operatives morality and teaches them to become virtually unstoppable assassins. Any assassin can kill someone, but a Treadstone agent is trained to be "invisible".
Evelyn Salt
Evelyn Salt
The spy within you is Evelyn Salt! She is a dedicated agent of the CIA. Even after discovering that she was actually a Russian "sleeper" agent, she keeps her cool and saves herself. Of course, she manages to save the world while she's at it. Proving the world is much better with Salt!
Harry Hart
Harry Hart
You're spy within is Harry Hart! Also known as Agent Galahad by the Kingsmen, Harry believes that one is not born noble but attains true nobility through the betterment of one's self. Harry "Galahad" Hart is a "gentleman spy" in the truest sense.
Ethan Hunt
Ethan Hunt
You're inner spy is Ethan Hunt! Hunt was once an agent for the IMF before having to take down his former mentor. Now he runs his own independent Impossible Mission Team. Together they stop threats the world never knew existed, by completing missions that are impossible!
Austin Powers
Austin Powers
You have the inner mojo of Austin Powers baby, YEAH! He is the hip international man of mystery who never knows when to turn off the charm. At times he seems too silly to be taken seriously, but when the safety of the planet is on the line he always does a truly groovy job man!