Divergent Knowledge Test
Divergent Knowledge Test
How well do you know Divergent?
How well do you know Divergent?
Who is afraid of moths?
How many stages are there in Dauntless initiation?
In Tris' fear landscape in the water tank, is she alone or are there others in the room watching?
What faction did Will transfer from?
Who is first- ranked after stage 2?
Who is taller?
What is Al's full name?
What building is Eric's team's base in capture the Flag? (From the movie)
What was NOT one of Lauren's fears.
Who warned Tris about Jeanie?
Where did Tris shoot Eric?
How often are the Abnegation allowed to look in a mirror?
Did Will memorize a map of the city for fun?
How do they get to the top of the John Hancock Building to zipline?
Why did Al choose Dauntless?
What is Tris' second tattoo of?
Where was Eric's team's base in capture the flag?(From the Book)
When Tris goes to see Caleb, where do they talk?
Does Tris believe she chose the right faction?
Did Caleb and Tris' parents die on the same day?