Divergent Knowledge Test

How well do you know Divergent?

Created by Chicago (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 16, 2015
1 / 20

Who is afraid of moths?

2 / 20

How many stages are there in Dauntless initiation?

3 / 20

In Tris' fear landscape in the water tank, is she alone or are there others in the room watching?

4 / 20

What faction did Will transfer from?

5 / 20

Who is first- ranked after stage 2?

6 / 20

Who is taller?

7 / 20

What is Al's full name?

8 / 20

What building is Eric's team's base in capture the Flag? (From the movie)

9 / 20

What was NOT one of Lauren's fears.

10 / 20

Who warned Tris about Jeanie?

11 / 20

Where did Tris shoot Eric?

12 / 20

How often are the Abnegation allowed to look in a mirror?

13 / 20

Did Will memorize a map of the city for fun?

14 / 20

How do they get to the top of the John Hancock Building to zipline?

15 / 20

Why did Al choose Dauntless?

16 / 20

What is Tris' second tattoo of?

17 / 20

Where was Eric's team's base in capture the flag?(From the Book)

18 / 20

When Tris goes to see Caleb, where do they talk?

19 / 20

Does Tris believe she chose the right faction?

20 / 20

Did Caleb and Tris' parents die on the same day?

Questions left
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