Which Element of Magic Will You Practice?
Which Element of Magic Will You Practice?
We all know those quizzes that determine your elemental magic by some unconventional way which has no real relationship to your actual personality. But how about a quiz that actually determines your magical element by your personality? And let us throw in results from an obscure MMORPG called Remnant Knights and some from a game called Wizard101... Now we're talking...
We all know those quizzes that determine your elemental magic by some unconventional way which has no real relationship to your actual personality. But how about a quiz that actually determines your magical element by your personality? And let us throw in results from an obscure MMORPG called Remnant Knights and some from a game called Wizard101... Now we're talking...

Which trait/attribute do you associate with more?
Which trait/attribute do you associate with more?
Which trait/attribute do you associate with more?
Which trait/attribute do you associate with more?
Are you often angry or ill-tempered?
Are you often determined to get your way?
Do you often want to be isolated or alone?
Do you often feel free to do as you please?
Are you a creative person?
Do you often volunteer to help others?
Do you often think of a loved one who has passed away?
Have you ever entered a state of zen or mental equilibrium?
Fire is the element of rage, courage and passion. Those who practice fire magic are known as Pyromancers.
Pryomancers must harness the dominant emotions to use the maximum power of their magic. It is often said the pyromancers are hot-headed, ill tempted and easily angered and so it is usually never a good idea to irritate or annoy them.
Ice is the element of loneliness and solitude. Those who practice ice magic are known as Cyromancers.
Cyromancers use their colder, lonelier emotions and thoughts to draw power from. Cyromancers are typically humorless, independent and hard to impress. Often, their facial expressions are just as stone-solid as the magic they practice.
Wind is the element of freedom. Those who practice wind magic are known as Conjurers.
Conjurers draw on their freer, cheerful thoughts and emotions. Conjurers tend to be witty, intelligent people with as much charm, grace and charisma as swan. Conjurers can often be seen on tower-tops and spires, enjoying the fresh, open air and summoning winds when there is none.
Lightning is the element of creativity and imagination. Those who practice lightning magic are known as Diviners.
Diviners are creative, imaginative and charming people who draw on positive emotions to fuel their powerful magic, yet they tend to be very indecisive; they like to leave all their options open. Of all the six elements of magic, lightning is quite possibly the most powerful in terms of pure strength.
Holy is the element of purity. Those who practice holy magic are known as Priests.
Priests are healers who draw on positive emotions and thoughts to help others. Most priests are graceful, pure and cheerful people who make their life's work helping and teaching others. Priests also tend to be quite reserved, and quiet.
Shadow is the element of sorrow, grief and death. Those who practice shadow magic are known as Necromancers.
Necromancers draw on negative emotions for strength. Many necromancers are humorless, independent and hard to impress. Most magicians that practice necromancy are not bad or evil people like those uneducated in the arts of magic perceive them to be; rather many of them have been exposed to acts of violence at a young age and find comfort for practicing magic in the form of grief and sorrow.
Balance is the element of... Well... Balance. Those who practice balance magic are known as Sorcerers.
Balance is perhaps one of the hardest magics to use and master. Balance magicians must learn to keep themselves in a state of a physical and mental balance. If a magician strays too far towards one emotion they will lose the ability to use other elements of magic until they recover mental equilibrium.