How long will you last in a zombie Apocalypse
How long will you last in a zombie Apocalypse
what will you get?
what will you get?
what weapon would you choose?
What famous youtuber would you bring?
when were you born?
whats 1 important thing you would have to bring
last of all where would you hide?
24 hours
24 hours
Well done you did well but not well enough 1 day is pathetic
but welll done awyway!
you will die straight away!!
you will die straight away!!
Wow *clap,clap,clap* very bad you will die before u go hiding i say that's a little\a lot pathetic
20 years
20 years
Yay you must have some skills and be very careful with every move you take well done!!
1 or 2 days
1 or 2 days
Wow i bet u lasted a little longer or less then u thought next time be more careful
you will never die!!
you will never die!!
Yay you made the right choices i aplored ur effort!!!!!!!!!!!