Which Back Table Member Are You?

Fifth Hour College Algebra: full of jokes, insults, & of course, MATH (that we sometimes know how to do). Which member of the infamous back table are you?

Chloe Griffin
Created by Chloe Griffin (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 27, 2017

If you were in class, what would you be doing?

What's your favorite food?

What type of vehicle do you drive?

What's your go-to phrase?

What music u listen? xD

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

What's your favorite subject in school?

What do you hate most about Kevin?

What do you like most about Kevin?

Which x are you?

What's your favorite place to hang out?

What is your style?

Who do you look up to?

What do you do in your free time?

If you were a breakfast food, what would you be?

Why do you love math class?

What kind of drink are you?

What are you going to be when you grow up?

If you were a toe, which one would you be?

What's your favorite insult?

If you were told to buy math socks, would you?


You Got Kevin!

You Got Kevin!

Congrats, you're adopted! You love playing online solitaire and hacking the government! You don't do your math homework, but that's okay. We all have hope you'll eventually pass! You frequently copy Chrissy's study guides, and Ms. Sonnenfeld always yells at you for talking even though Rachel and Chloe are much louder. You are forbidden to wear orange. Ever. Or any warm color for that matter. You ended up taking a corn on the cob to Winter Ball, and honestly no one was even surprised. According to your driver's license you are 5'10, even though we all know you're really 5'7. Lastly, we apologize that you got Kevin, please try again.

You Got Rachel!

You Got Rachel!

Congrats, you're the member whose last name everyone always mumbles! People make fun of your name a lot, so you've just learned to make fun of it as well. You're a fashionista at heart, and are always wanting to buy a new pair of shoes. You'll always be extra at every chance you have, and are definitely a future stereotypical metro mom. Your free time is spent by getting on Pinterest, laying in your bed until at least 2pm, or going on crazy adventures. You love to get on house party in class and talk to your friends, just cause you can. Since you ran into a tree, asking for rides is an unfortunate curse you have. Your artsy, fun personality and bright smile makes everyone feel like your friend. You don't take notes in class, but are a master at teaching yourself everything...usually. You're always up for anything and are definitely a go-to person for your friends. In the end, your eagerness to always have fun never fails to bring entertainment and laughter to the back table. Sometimes even Chrissy laughs.

You Got Chloe!

You Got Chloe!

Congrats you're the only member of the back table that is in a relationship! Your boyf was in prison for awhile, so you've mastered how to deal with tough situations. Coffee and dogs are priorities in your life, and you vow to be extra in most things. As a member of AP art, art is life. Doodles tend to cover your notes, because honestly, who takes notes when you can just teach it to yourself later? You sometimes yell out random answers in class and they are right, which is pretty exciting. Waiting till the last minute to do your homework is common, but that's okay because it usually gets done. You frequently copy Chrissy's study guides, but you aren't judged for it because Ms. Sonnenfeld loves you. Overall you are cutesy, artsy, and often referred to as "mom" at the back table.

You Got Chrissy!

You Got Chrissy!

Congrats, you're the studious one of the back table! You care a lot about your grades, but also are a very carefree, fun person. You enjoy to do yoga in your free time and make other people feel awful about their flexibility skills. You are a tea enthusiast and are almost always eating something organic. You always listen in class, and are known for telling the rest of the back table to shut up quite often. You don't like swearing, so some of your favorite substitutes include "holy balls of fire" and "tan my bacon". You don't really like participating in back table activities, especially when it comes to buying the math socks that they all got. Everyone always copies your study guides because, let's be honest, you're the only member that takes notes. Even though you're the newbie to the group and don't always participate in everything, everyone still loves you the same, especially Mrs. Sonnenfeld.

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