What Percent of Yourself Are You Happy With?
What Percent of Yourself Are You Happy With?
Let's put your confidence to the test!
Let's put your confidence to the test!

Let's give you a breakdown of how this works. We did a quick survey of about 500 people, the people who have evidence of higher confidence answered a certain way - we'll be looking to see if you answer the way they do. We've done our research, but this is meant to be a fun way to find out how you feel about yourself. Now... let the games begin!
How often do you look into the mirror? This doesn't include reflective surfaces such as windows, but it does include camera phones, and mirrors of any size.
Do you feel comfortable going out alone? (EX: shopping, movie watching, eating)
I do what I think is expected of me, rather than what I believe to be "right."
If something looks difficult, I avoid doing it.
I believe fate is outside of my control.
Rate yourself on a level of a public speaker.
I think that, overall, people find me interesting to talk to.
I think it's odd when someone crushes on me.
I respond well to criticism. This question deserves some thought, do you get bothered when someone questions your lifestyle and ideals?
How I feel about myself is more important than what other people think about me.
If he doesn't agree with me, that means he does not understand.
I avoid having arguments with other people.
I modify my personality, opinions, or appearance to fit in with the people around me.
I am here for a purpose.