What Type of Innovator Are You Truly?
What Type of Innovator Are You Truly?
Each question will have you pick a word, find out how ten words can define your innovation!
Each question will have you pick a word, find out how ten words can define your innovation!

You will be shown colors and asked to choose a word. Please choose the words as quickly as possible. The faster you go, the more accurate the test.
Choose a word.
Choose a word.
Choose a word.
Choose a word.
Choose a word.
Choose a word.
Choose a word.
Choose a word.
Choose a word.
You Are A "Mover and Shaker"
You Are A "Mover and Shaker"
With a strong personal drive, these are leaders. Targets and rewards motivate them strongly, but a major incentive for this group is the idea of creating a legacy and wielding influence over others. At the end of the day, they provide the push to get things done..
You're proud, critical, and a born leader. You have the potential to do some amazing things and chances are - you already know that. You know your strengths, but what you probably don't know are your weaknesses. You see, on the flip side, they can be a bit arrogant, and impatient with teamwork.
You make big moves, but be aware of who you're stepping over to get to where you're going. You don't want anyone trying to cut your ankles.
You Are An "Experimentor"
You Are An "Experimentor"
Persistent and open to all new things, experimenters are perhaps the perfect combination for bringing a new idea through the various phases of development and execution. “Where there is a will, there is a way,” is perhaps the best way to describe them.
You choose the words of a perfectionist, perhaps a workaholic. You take pride in what you do - you're the type to make other people feel bad about daydreaming because of how much you invest yourself into your work.
You can be the next big thing, sounds good to me!
You Are A "Star Pupil"
You Are A "Star Pupil"
Do you remember those kids in grade school who sat up in the front, whose hands were the first in the air anytime the teacher asked a question? Maybe they even shouted out “Ooh! Ooh!” too just to get the teacher to notice them first?
You chose the words of the Star Pupil. The kid who is pretty much good at almost anything they put their mind to - it can seem unfair to the people around you. sometimes. You have an eye for human nature and know how to make good use of what's around you.
What's special is that it doesn't matter what field you're in, a star pupil can pop up almost anywhere.
You Are A "Controller"
You Are A "Controller"
Uncomfortable with risk, Controllers thrive on structure and shy away from more nebulous projects. Above all, they prefer to be in control of their domain and like to have everything in its place. As colleagues, they’re not exactly the team players and networkers.
You chose words that tell us you want to be in control. You like all your ducks in order, and it wouldn't hurt to color coordinate them either. You want all the information so you can ensure that you have the best option possible.
A problem can be innovation - you should make sure not to get clogged up in all the rules.
You Are A "Hanger-On"
You Are A "Hanger-On"
Forget the less-than-flattering name; these executives exist to bring everyone back down to earth and tether them to reality. On a dinner plate, Hangers-On would be the spinach: few people’s favorite, but extremely important in rounding out the completeness of the meal.
You choose words that hang on to conventional thinking - and this isn't a bad thing. You know how things are, you know how they have worked, and you understand the limitations. If I asked you to pick a side, I'd guess you would pick the middle.
There has to be someone to keep everyone down to earth, and that's you.