What Type Of College Student Are You?

Scholar, partier, athlete.... maybe all of the above!

Christian Stafford
Created by Christian Stafford(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 27, 2015

How often do you go out during the week?

How often during the week do you workout / stay active?

How many classes do you skip per week?

Are you a member of a Fraternity or Sorority?

When do you study for finals?

Are you a member of any student communities or clubs?

Stairs or elevator?

What is your dining hall experience like?

On a typical Friday night, you are...

When going to class, you are usually wearing...

In a group project, which description seems to fit the role you usually play?

What is your favorite type of alcohol?



You seem pretty athletic, so you either love to stay in great shape, or you're a student-athlete.



Pretty self-explanatory, you can sniff out a party from a mile away and you're always up for good time, regardless of what day it is!



You're basically Hermione Granger.



You're that kid that shows up to the first day of class and is only seen at the midterm and final exam.



You find that you are happiest when alone.



It seems like you're just the everyday average college student. You party occasionally, but you still make time for studying.



Seems like you must be part of a Sorority or Fraternity! TOGA! TOGA!

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