How Well Do You Know 90210?

Do you think you know everything there is to know about the CW's 90210? Take this quiz and find out.

Created by Chrissy (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On May 6, 2015
1 / 15

What are the names of the siblings who moved to Beverly Hills from Wichita Kansas?

2 / 15

Who did Adrianna lose her virginity to?

3 / 15

At the end of season 1, who does Naomi think Liam slept with?

4 / 15

How does Annie meet Patrick?

5 / 15

Why does Max break up with Naomi at the end of season 3?

6 / 15

What industry is Navid's dad a part of?

7 / 15

Why was Annie conflicted when she slept with Liam for the first time?

8 / 15

Who does Ivy marry at the end of season 3?

9 / 15

What does Silver find out in the series finale?

10 / 15

What is the name of the cowboy Naomi dates for an extended period of time?

11 / 15

Whose songs does Adrianna steal after he dies?

12 / 15

Which one of Dixon's ex-girlfriend's had HIV?

13 / 15

Who does Ryan Matthews get pregnant?

14 / 15

Who does not guest star on 90210?

15 / 15

Who gets engaged in the series finale?

Questions left
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