What evil villain's child are you?

These are the real Descendants.

Created by Christine (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 17, 2016

Pick your Favorite Color

Pick the adjective that best describes you

Pick an animal

Choose your favorite Disney Villain

What Class at Dragon Hall (school for the evil) would you excel at?

What's the most important thing in life?

Mal - Daughter of Maleficent

Mal - Daughter of Maleficent

Mal is a sneaky, smart, and ruthless girl who is a natural leader and pretty good at drawing. Though she is compassionate to a degree she is also vengeful and doesn't forgive others easily. She is artistic and has a knack for casting spells, but only if needed. As the daughter of Maleficent, she wants to be like her mother: pure evil. She enjoys coming up with evil plans and is the most feared at her previous school because of her reputation. She isn't fond of beautiful surroundings or anything pink and finds them to be horrid. She excelled in Evil schemes and Nasty Plots at Dragon Hall and believes the most important thing in life is to be evil.

Carlos - son of Cruella de Vil

Carlos - son of Cruella de Vil

Carlos is jumpy and anxious, but with the skills of a true tech prodigy. He’s been working feverishly on a project that would connect the Isle of the Lost to the outside world. Although he inherited his mother's love of fashion (especially if it's in black-and-white), he didn't inherit Cruella's love of dogs ― on the contrary, Carlos is deathly afraid of dogs (though it turns out this is because his mother told him dogs were rabid vicious animals that attack little boys who don't behave).

Jay - son of Jafar

Jay - son of Jafar

Jay is a sneaky, confident, and handsome guy. Jay was raised to believe that he must get everything and to forget others as well. He's vengeful like Mal and he's athletic. As the son of Jafar, Jay wants to gain his father's respect by stealing the 'big prize'. He isn't fond with how friendship works. Jay has always charm his way to get what he wants back on the Isle. Like the others, Jay was never shown affection by his parent so, when he tries out for the tourney team and makes it, he gets a chance to see what's it like to be a part of something as special. He's shown to have kleptomaniac tendencies, as he often steals objects on the fly. He can also be a flirt, having flirted with several girls in the film including Lonnie and Audrey and in Wicked World flirting with CJ.

Evie - daughter of the Evil Queen

Evie - daughter of the Evil Queen

Evie is a girl who is smart, flirty, and very kind in the long run. Unlike most of the villain kids, she is very pleasant, to the point that she was able to make the most sour villains smile with her laughter on her sixth birthday party. But don't let her charm fool you, Evie is loyal and authoritative when she wants to be. Due to her mother's insistence that being beautiful is all that matters, Evie has problems with her own vanity and is sensitive to how others view her; her biggest fear was her not ending up being the fairest of all. While she wishes to find a perfect prince for herself, she is not foolish to fall for a prince who looks nice but has an ugly personality, as she rejected Chad Charming when she found out how arrogant he is. She is quite intelligent, especially in chemistry.

Harriet Hook - daughter of Captain Hook

Harriet Hook - daughter of Captain Hook

Harriet likes solving puzzles. The oldest of three and the daughter of the most feared pirate in Neverland, Captain Hook, she is always on the lookout for a new adventure and new game to play. She always wins, and her favorite class at Dragon Hall was Wickedness.

Uma - daughter of Ursula

Uma - daughter of Ursula

Uma is the feisty new self-proclaimed queen of the Isle of the Lost and leader of a pirate gang, formed by Harry Hook and Gil. She is also Mal's archenemy. She is the daughter of Ursula and excelled in Evil Schemes and Nasty Plots and Unnatural Biologies at Dragon Hall. She believes the most important thing in life is to be evil.

CJ Hook - daughter of Hook

CJ Hook - daughter of Hook

She is sneaky and deceitful. Considering herself a captain, she prefers taking charge and ordering people. To this end, she only looks out for number one. Despite this, she prefers to hide in the shadows until her plans succeed, implying she is either shy or careful enough not to reveal herself and her true colors. However, once her plans are revealed, she takes the spotlight for herself (even admitting she likes dramatic entrances despite them being flashy) and tries to stage a coup against Auradon Prep. She shows a tendency to gloat about her plans and tends to go back on her word and is always thinking of an evil plan. She enjoys causing mayhem, even going as far as manipulating everyone into turning on each other and gloating in people's faces.

Harry Hook - son of Captain Hook

Harry Hook - son of Captain Hook

Harry is Uma's right-hand man who is always ready for action. He is very handsome, though he lost his left hand to a crocodile when he was younger. Like a true pirate, the most important thing in life for Harry is treasure.

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On Nov 18, 2021