Which Star Wars Character is Your Business?
Which Star Wars Character is Your Business?
Are you in it for the money? Are you trying to bring balance to your checkbook? Looking for more padawans to train? Take this quiz and find out which galactic hero (or villian!) your business is.
Are you in it for the money? Are you trying to bring balance to your checkbook? Looking for more padawans to train? Take this quiz and find out which galactic hero (or villian!) your business is.
How long has your business been around?
How many people are in your organization?
If you could change one thing about how your business operates, what would it be?
How would you describe your sales process?
How much new business could you handle?
Do you prefer to run your business by force or by the Force?
How do you prefer to handle disputes with clients?
What is your biggest motivation? What drives you?
What kind of music do you like to listen to when working?
You are at your best when working...
Your Business is Luke Skywalker!
Your Business is Luke Skywalker!
Your business may have started out on the farm, but it's a grizzled veteran bringing balance to your ledger. Your business has proven it's worth by taking down the competition. Now it's time to expand your Jedi council and spread the light side to the galaxy!
Your Business is Rey!
Your Business is Rey!
Your business is young and just starting out on its own adventure. It's been sitting on a rock waiting for a while now - but now it's been thrust into the middle of an epic adventure where glory awaits! Your business has potential never seen before in the galaxy. It's seeking to be trained, honed and crafted to become the most powerful business of all time!
Your Business Is Han Solo!
Your Business Is Han Solo!
You're not in it for the revolution, you're in it for the money. you value independence and prefer to do things your own way. Your operation may be small, but it's got it where it counts. A little structure might be good for your business so you don't play it by ear so often.
Your Business Is Leia Organa!
Your Business Is Leia Organa!
Your business is the dignified leader. Your business structure is solid and consistent. Intimidated by none, intimidating to many. You have a great team that works for you helping to fight the good fight. You've blown the competition out of the sky. You don't need any help - you're the master of your destiny.
Your Business is Darth Vader!
Your Business is Darth Vader!
Ruling with an iron grip on the throat of all opponents, you've left the devastation of your enemies behind you. You are deeply involved in your business. You have to be - your employees aren't always the best when not directly supervised. Your business is massive - but it just may collapse under its own weight if somebody drops a photon torpedo in the right place.
Your Business is Kylo Ren!
Your Business is Kylo Ren!