What Is Your Game Of Thrones Disorder?
What Is Your Game Of Thrones Disorder?
Which Game of Thrones Personality Disorder do you embody?
Which Game of Thrones Personality Disorder do you embody?
Do you avoid specific people and places that trigger bad memories?
Does disorder or being unstructured bother you?
Is the well being of other people a primary value to you?
Which quality makes you feel superior to others?
Is it smart to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best?
What is your perception of the world based upon?
Is it easier to live life without extreme emotion?
When you're most stressed, what do you turn to for comfort?
Is high standing social status more important than privacy?
What do you believe gives your life meaning?
Borderline Personality
Borderline Personality
You have Cersei Lannister's Borderline Personality Disorder! You go to extremes to avoid abandonment in any shape or form, regardless of the intense, interpersonal relationships you choose to maintain. Your impulsive nature causes you to take action that could be a bit damaging to your psyche, but gives you drive to act on your word and internal desires. You have a fire inside of you that may be difficult to tame at times, but focusing on one's self-image can ignite the best or the worst in you depending on the circumstance.
Obsessive Compulsive
Obsessive Compulsive
You have Arya Stark's OCD! You may suffer from recurrent thoughts, impulses and urges that are motivated from past experiences, but even the most disturbing events in our life justifiably leave an imprint. Allowing your mind to constantly reel around the same train of thought can give you a bit of stress and anxiety, but you find an expressive outlet whether it's an action or a ritual. You may have a repetitive behaviour like Arya's "Kill List" recital, or maybe something a bit more unspoken. Just be careful, any obsession can become extremely time consuming!
You have Tyrion Lannister's Alcoholism! Sure, you experience some withdrawal symptoms when you cut back a bit on the wine, but who doesn't? While we aren't necessarily condoning your alcohol abuse, we must admit you've built up one hell of a tolerance. Maybe there is something from your past or present that propels the heavy consumption and you don't even realize it? Or maybe you're just extremely funny when you're under the influence. Just make sure you check yourself before you wreck yourself!
Clinical Sociopath
Clinical Sociopath
You have Ramsay Bolton's Sociopathy! Holy cow, you are one intense individual, and conforming to social norms is something you steer away from at all costs. You don't like to respect authority or the law unless it's your own, and punishment isn't such a bad thing to you if you're benefiting from it. You are a meticulous planner and remain quite cunning with friends and foe, but your more "shallow" emotions make it rough for you to connect with normal people that aren't quite on your level.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
You have Jaime Lannister's Narcissistic Personality Disorder! You crave special treatment and love to be loved by those who admire you. You like to try your hand at being the best at everything and can become quite disappointed if you don't excel above everyone else. Meeting average, human limitations doesn't please you and like to remain on a high level of social status. Having a high sense of self esteem is what keeps you moving forward, and you do what it takes to keep yourself in tip top shape.
Socially Awkward
Socially Awkward
You have Jon Snow's Social Awkwardness! When it comes to verbal behaviour you're not the biggest fan, but you also like to avoid eye contact and interactive gesture when you aren't familiar with a person. Previous social encounters gone wrong may keep you from wanting to open up to others and contributes to your fear of being judged. You remain active with others, yet slightly odd, even though most people find it greatly endearing.
PTSD - Survival Mode
PTSD - Survival Mode
You have Sansa's Stark's PTSD! Let's be honest, with all of direct exposure Sansa has been exposed to we're pleased to admit that she seems to be in survival mode much like yourself. Maybe after a negative experience your sleep pattern is disturbed and you develop some unfortunate beliefs about yourself and the world, but in this circumstance your brain is only hijacked. After you've been through a rough patch you continue to pick yourself up again and fight back as you've done in the past. You like to face your external reminders and confront what you've gone though, instead of suppressing it and becoming a slave to symptoms.
Justice and Courage
Justice and Courage
You are like Daenerys Targaryen, with no personality disorder at all! In fact, we've matched you up with a positive psychology diagnosis that consists of the two components, justice and courage. You value teamwork and appreciate the support you're given from your followers with great consideration. As a leader you remain strong but are always willing to ask for help and facilitate good relations within your company. You like to be fair and look for the silver lining in your dark cloud, because after all, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.