Can We Guess Your Relationship Status For 2017?

This highly scientific quiz is sure to determine your relationship status for 2017.

Created by Ciara (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Dec 8, 2016

Pick a film...

Pick a fantasy boyfriend...

Pick a hangover food...

Pick a holiday destination...

Pick a puppy...

Pick an arrestable offence...

Pick an antibiotic...

Pick a band...

Pick a social media platform...

Finally: Pick an emoji...

Basically Married

Basically Married

You're so extremely in a relationship, you're both in very real danger of morphing into one single being. You do everything together and that's not going to change in 2017. He might even pop the question on Christmas Day, meaning you can finally fulfil your lifelong dream of being able to use the following hashtags: #LuckyGirl #TheBoyDoneGood #SoUnexpected and #SpoiledRotten

Keeping It Casual

Keeping It Casual

You're currently chilling so hard to the point that you're actually considering moving into a fridge altogether. You've a few potential suitors that are certain to stick around in 2017, should you find yourself caught short at any stage. Live your life, babe. Those ovaries don't stop producing eggs until you're 51!

Single AF

Single AF

You're a lone wolf, and that wolfpack is set to continue being occupied by one in 2017. It doesn't matter, you're happy out. You've a cracking group of friends that keep you busy and encourage your lunatic nature. You're a woman of routine and the only thing that matters is your Thursday evening pilates classes, weekend debauchery and 9/11 conspiracy theory documentaries.

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On Nov 18, 2021