The Hardest U.S. Office Quiz You'll Ever Take
The Hardest U.S. Office Quiz You'll Ever Take
Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

Why did Kelly spend a year in juvenile hall?
Which of following was NOT one of Angela's cats?
What turned out to be Robert California's real name?
What was Phyllis' surname before she married Bob Vance?
What was Creed's job?
What was Jim's AIM screen name?
How many children did Meredith have?
What was Roy's job title?
Which award did Ryan receive in The Dundies?
What did the note attached to the rock Michael gave Toby on his last day say?
What was the name of Kevin's fiancée?
What did Jan start selling in season four?
What was Oscar's compensation for being unwillingly outed by Michael?
Which of the following jobs did Pam NOT have at Dunder Mifflin?
Why did Michael and Carol break up?
Erin revealed that she couldn't eat solid food until what age?
What colour belt did Dwight have in Goju-Ryu karate?
What was Stanley's favourite day of the year?
What was the name of Andy's a cappella group?
What was Todd Packer's license plate?