What Percent Gobshite Are You?
What Percent Gobshite Are You?
Take this highly scientific quiz to help determine how much of a gobshite you actually are.
Take this highly scientific quiz to help determine how much of a gobshite you actually are.
You're online shopping. Your basket total is €20, but €30 gets you free delivery. What do you do?
Your colleague has left their Facebook open and gone for a wander. What do you do?
Have you got a nickname?
Pick a utensil...
How do you feel about The Coronas
How many phones have you gone through this year?
What's your favourite pizza topping?
How do you feel about 12 pubs?
Pick a misfortune...
Finally: You must have ~relations~ with one of the following...
Unlucky pal, you are a massive gobshite. Your friends know it, your family know it, heck you even know it yourself at this stage. There's little that can be done to save you, things have simply gone too far. Just enjoy it and continue being a massive gobshite. Own it, girlfriend!
You're a sizeable gobshite, but there's still hope for you yet. You've the good sense to know when you're being a massive gobshite and can even tone it down if absolutely necessary. If you were to put an awful lot of work into it, you could have yourself down to 25% gobshite by 2018, but you really need to want it.
Spade a spade, you definitely have gobshite tendencies. It's not all bad news as you're not a gobshite more often than you are a gobshite, so there's hope for you yet. It's just a simple case of thinking before you go about your gobshitery. Relax, there are people you can talk to. You will get through this, gobshite.