Which Decaying Sack Of Garbage Are You?
Which Decaying Sack Of Garbage Are You?
Take this personality quiz to find out!
Take this personality quiz to find out!
Pick a place to loiter...
For how many days is it acceptable to wear the same pair of jeans?
Pick a couch to vegetate on...
Pick an excuse for being late to work...
Pick a takeaway...
You've got a stain on your top, what do you do?
Pick a song to cry to...
Pick an item to use as emergency toilet paper...
Pick a better word for 'garbage'...
Pick a family member to disappoint...
You're Donald Trump
You're Donald Trump
*arranges for you to be put down immediately*
You're Katie Hopkins
You're Katie Hopkins
*puts you in bin immediately*
You're Martin Shkreli
You're Martin Shkreli
*shudders from overexposure to such garbage*
You're Piers Morgan
You're Piers Morgan
*blocks nose to avoid inhaling the smell of garbage*