Could You Survive the Queen's Birthday Party?
Could You Survive the Queen's Birthday Party?
How good is your etiquette?
How good is your etiquette?
You've been invited to the Queen's birthday party! How exciting! You need to RSVP - but how do you sign off the letter?
Now to choose what to wear. What do you go for?
Do you buy a gift in preparation?
You get to the party - what do you do first?
Tea is served! What comes first - milk or tea?
You've got that out of the way - but how do you pick up your teacup?
When do you stop eating?
The Queen has come to greet you. How do you respond?
What do you say to her once you've been greeted?
What one thing do you do before you leave?
Oh dear. You don't know your Ps and Qs from Prince Phillip and the Queen, and you managed to mess up. Better brush up on those etiquette skills if you want another shot at meeting royalty!
Only just!
Only just!
You just about made it without making too many faux pas - but you're not quite brushing shoulders with the royal grandchildren just yet. Better get a copy of Debretts if you want to do better next time!
Wow - are you aristocracy or something? You managed to sail through the party without a single mistake. Keep this up and you'll be marrying into the Royal Family in no time.