What These Killer Whales Do To This Shark Will Amaze You!

The hunter becomes the hunted...

Clark Houston
Created by Clark Houston
On Jul 7, 2016

When I say "shark", this is what you think of, right?

Such Teeth. Very Ow. Much Nope.


And if I said "Killer Whale", you'd think of something like this-

His name is whaley! He's my best friend who lives in the ocean! He likes fish, and belly rubs!


What if I told you this was a video of a bunch of Killer Whales hunting a Shark....

youtube embed goes here!

Nature is terrifying, guys.


Okay, to be fair, this shark is taken down by a pod of False Killer Whales-they're like the Killer Whale's awkward first cousin and they look like this...

Like a Killer Whale with a little extra Dolphin in there..


The Ocean; a place where not even Sharks are safe. Enjoy your beach vacation!

*burns swim trunks*

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