How much of a diva are you?

Take this quiz to find out exactly where you are on the scale of 'I'll take my tea however it comes' to ‘I just fired my PA for putting too much milk in my tea’.

Classic FM
Created by Classic FM (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

How important is feng shui?

What’s your tipple of choice?

You’re late to meet a friend, do you…

It’s your birthday and you and your friends are going out for a meal. What do you order?

How many clean towels do you require in your dressing room?

How do you get to work in the morning?

And what’s the first thing you do when you get there?

You’re taking a long-haul flight. What’s the one item you can’t live without during the flight?

You’re stranded on a desert island. What’s your luxury item?

You are not a diva

You are not a diva

On the diva-scale you don’t even register. To improve your diva score, why not try being super picky about your food and demand that everyone call you maestro/maestra?

You’re occasionally a diva

You’re occasionally a diva

On the diva-scale you don’t even register. To improve your diva score, why not try being super picky about your food and demand that everyone call you maestro/maestra?

Impressive diva credentials

Impressive diva credentials

You are well on your way to being a full-blown diva. You like things the way you like them and don’t have time for anything less than perfect. Oh and you are always immaculately turned out.

full-on diva

full-on diva

Wow, there is no more we can teach you. You are the standard by which the world shall measure all future divas. We are not worthy to be in your presence… but you knew that already.

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